Nursing program expanding further into the underground

Construction has been taking place recently behind the blue tarp hanging in the commercial underground on the Park University Parkville campus.

Behind the blue tarp will eventually be the new 40,000- to 50,000-square-foot space Park’s nursing program will utilize for its expanding program.

The space will hold four lab spaces; two simulation labs; a lab for health assessment and skill practice; six classrooms open for all students and courses; a 40-seat computer lab mainly for the use of the nursing students but available for everyone during off hours of the nursing program; faculty office space and study space.

Park University has recently added a new degree audit for a pre-nursing track that will begin in the fall of the 2015-2016 academic year.

With more students comes the need for more space and the logical idea was the underground.

“There is no business cost and it is more economical,” said Gerry Walker, associate professor and nursing department chair.

“The goal is to be in the new facility by June.”

Even though the program is not set to begin until the fall, there have already been three confirmed acceptances and Walker receives multiple calls every week with more interest in the program.

Scott Hageman, associate dean of School of Natural and Applied Sciences, has been working alongside Walker on this underground expansion.

“I am the one who can deal with the day to day process,” said Hageman,

“I try to make sure that there are no misunderstandings and that all participants know where we are going. The state of Missouri is very excited that we are helping with their nursing shortage.”

This new path for nursing at Park University is a bright one, according to Walker. However, she stressed that it is not only a success for the nursing program but for Park University overall.