Positive outlook can keep away stress, negative vibes

My mother always said, “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say it all”. So, more often than not, I keep my mouth shut unless I have something good to say. But, now I am challenged because I have a column to voice my opinion and speak my mind about what’s bugging me.

Yet, I am not leaping to this.  Being an optimistic person I generally try and keep a positive outlook on life and always look for the silver lining and find reason in the worst scenarios.

However, there are even times when the happiest of people get bogged down and find it hard to maintain a positive attitude.

But, I will take a minute to share what really grinds my gears – mean people.
I was taught to be kind, caring and understanding – its part of being intelligent and educated.

Don’t get me wrong, we all get angry but I try and not to displace it because this world is mean enough without us consistently unloading more negative emotions into it. It is part of elevating to new heights as a student and as a human being.

As Lau Tzo said, “Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength, mastering yourself is true power.”

If someone is mean to you, don’t sink to their level. If you are in a bad mood, think before you speak. Are your words serving your ego? I learned a very good lesson in Interpersonal Conflict Resolution about mean words. My professor said that they are like nails and even after you take them back, they still leave holes. So, be careful what you say to people and to yourself.

I think the best way not to be a mean person is to make yourself happy. If you are shining from the inside and carry your own light then you will not derive pleasure from blowing out someone else’s candle. Find focus on what you want, don’t ever stop believing in yourself and always keep trying.  Don’t ever give up, no matter how hard things get.

I personally have no desire to be mean; helping others is what makes me happy. I don’t understand what self-gratification mean people get. That’s probably why I am a peace journalist.  I am naturally drawn to student peacebuilding and I love learning about leadership.  I am always trying to turn obstacles into stepping stones, it’s all seems like part of grooming for my future.

I know it’s not easy to be nice, especially when it seems like people go out of their way to be hurtful. I understand that this is all easier said than done and we are all human. There are days when my fuse is shorter than others but I try being cool, controlling my temper and finding a way to be pleasant.

I truly believe in the power of kindness and that of warm smile because if you smile at someone they smile back.

Never underestimate the power of positive energy and also of visualization.  Mean people must not visualize making themselves happy. If you want something you have to have the power to see it, you have to be able to dream it, because if you can’t imagine it happening, how will you ever believe that it could?