‘Hunger Games’ serves as symbol for change

Rome fell when the citizens no longer paid heavy attention to the functions of the government, which was slowly sinking and looked mainly toward entertainment.

In the popular series “The Hunger Games”, the new America is called Panem, which is short for the phrase “Panem et Circenses” – a Latin phrase meaning “Bread and Circuses”.

This phrase was initially used to describe the downfall of Rome. America, current America (not dystopian, futuristic version) is following that same path of Bread and Circuses. I believe, with this connection in the name of Panem, that Suzanne Collins wanted to call the reader’s attention to this – to America’s downfall. It is a warning to pay attention to your government before it falls into chaos.

Donald Sutherland, who portrays the villain of the movie series, said in an interview that he hopes that the youth of America will catch on fire, politically, and begin to revolt.

As a tutor, I have noticed more young people involved in the media. However, they seem to be more informed about who is dating who in Hollywood rather than keeping up with current events.

Perhaps, through this book, through this form of entertainment, we can awaken the youth of our nation to the hard truth of our own governmental disaster.

It is never too late to reverse on our path of Bread and Circuses. I know it can be possible in the United States as it has been in Thailand, where the youth silently protested their government with the three-finger salute at the recent Hunger Games moviepremiere.

Let’s wake up and act, America.