Park University students had been concerned about the air they were breathing these last few weeks which caused an uproar of confusion within the dorm community.
Even after an extensive email had been sent by Tonya Robbins, the director of residence life that regarded the situation.
Park students noticed weird symptoms such as their skin was dry, their allergies acted up, eczema, and puffy eyes at the University.
They figured it was something at the dorms because when they went back to their parent’s homes, the prior symptoms dissolved.
With this information, they decided to do their investigation within the dorm rooms.
After they investigated, they came up with a causation. Their vents had spots they suspected were black mold.
This issued an email to Robbin’s.
Robbin’s email contained information about how the vents were cleaned, that there was no active growth, they did a dust inspection, the humidity levels were normal, they cleaned and did treatment, bedroom vents were cleaned, etcetera.
Robbin’s email was only sent to those who lived on the fourth floor.
Residents on the third floor also had problems but never received an email to deflate how concerned they were.
Some emailed their RAs and never got responses back on how the situation was handled.
Whether the students were oblivious, or residence life didn’t correspond the information is up in the air.
Caroline Ray, a Park University freshman lives on the third floor, “I never got an email about the mold… and ours was never cleaned,” she said.
Even though Robbin’s said the vents were all cleaned.
A fourth-floor resident, Emma James, and her roommate Lauren Fiene said that wasn’t the case when they came back to the University after the weekend.
Ray who lived on the third floor whose vent also wasn’t cleaned said she wanted residence life to act and, “do it in a timely manner,” she said.
But in Robbin’s separate email when asked if she would like to give further insight into the story, she noted that the dust was cleaned in a timely manner.
Robbins also reiterated that “this inspection found no signs of active mold/mildew and no irregular building of statically charged dust on vents,” she said.
It appeared as though Park University students and residence life butted heads on this topic.
James and Fiene had final statements.
James said, “We are paying for these dorms and deserve better.”
Fiene said, “We are just striving to thrive in this academic environment, and we can’t in these conditions.”
Multiple students have said they don’t know how to put in a work order. They didn’t know the steps to take.
With all confusion aside, Robbin’s wanted to make sure residents are, “encouraged to report any issues or concerns to the office of residence life or residence life staff immediately,” she said.
If you are a resident with any questions or any other issues, contact [email protected] to file a work request so it can be given to facilities.