
New president should embody Park mission, core values

As President David Fowler finishes his one-year contract with Park, the university is currently searching for its next leader.

There are several considerations The Stylus staff would like the presidential search committee to keep in mind while conducting their search for Park’s next president.

We would like to see a president that truly embodies the vision, goals and values of Park and who maintains the mission statement of Park University. To understand what makes Park special would ensure a candidate will successful in creating a future for the university and be committed to the presidency for the long-term.

Park would also benefit from a president who knows how to communicate well and encourages communication between students, faculty members, staff members, departments, student services and more.

Strong communication and increased transparency from a new university president could lead to increased pride in our school.

A president who is student-focused would also strengthen the university particularly where finances are concerned. The next university president needs to focus on what students need and want.

The funds the school collects from students through tuition and fees should visibly go toward student betterment and student learning for life and career preparation. The new president should also focus on assessing Park academically and working toward better retention and graduation rates.

We would also encourage the search committee to seek a president who ensures fair treatment and pay for all faculty, staff and students.

While we understand that tuition rates often need to be increased, we would also encourage the hiring of a president that understands the difficulty higher and higher tuition rates cause for students. Not all problems can be solved with a bigger bill on students and we encourage the new president and Park community as a whole to find ways to ensure the university is financially solvent while maintaining a high level of academic commitment at a price students can afford.

While this may seem like a tall order, we are confident the right candidate is out there, ready to step into Fowler’s shoes and lead the university into its next phase.