Internships-the good, bad, dysfunctional

Our college years lead up to the moments of real world experiences. I’m talking about internships. Most movie and T.V depictions of internships involve a scared and overworked 20-something-year-old, running around New York City, fetching coffee for their over-directing boss. However, I want to focus on what internships look like in the real world.

College is supposed to prepare you for many jobs to come, and internships be another stepping stone in that department, but are we really taught everything to not feel like an idiot in our positions?

I, for one, feel like I have no idea what I am doing with my internship. Although I feel somewhat confident in my classes, when it comes to actual work for a company, I am far from feeling like I know what I’m doing. Aside from the lack of communication with my employer, I don’t even know the correct questions to ask. If I do ask for clarification, I feel like they belittle me.

I have written many press releases, staged crisis strategies, and set up promotional events, but they were all hypothetical. When it comes to actually having to perform these tasks for my employer, I am lost. Aside from me not getting interned-as in not learning from my boss-I’m on my own.

When you’re seeking an internship on your own, take it as if you’re applying for a new job entirely out of your field. Know that you are going to be lost and alone, and that it is ok to feel like you’re wondering through an endless maze.

College is supposed to teach us what we need to know about our future career. An internship is supposed to help us learn in an office/company setting. Get rid of the “supposed tos” in your life. Ask as many questions as you need to, don’t feel like you can’t. Just like with everything, it wont last forever.