Trump & Syria


Park University/Glassdoorphotos

The President of the United States of America might make a move that could send this nation to war, and the entire world with it. Speaking to some of the students about this issue showed how nerve wracking the idea of war is.

“I feel like just bombing them is redundant,” said freshman psychology major Kiara DeVine. “Because of that, everyone is suffering right now in Syria. So now the U.S. plus their own government is bombing their own people.”

The student population has had copious political ramblings and debates among each other on whether or not we are ready for war. This isn’t a time for war, however. It is a time for rationality. All nations must come together in mutual agreement. Trump has put out childish tweets that will only truly affect us as a nation in our relations with Syria and Russia.

These two countries on the map have been seen as a threat because of their involvement with a poisonous gas against many innocent women and children. Many in the world community see Russia as an ally to the Syrian government and many have speculated on the role Russia played in the gas attack.


So what will happen to this great nation under Trump’s spontaneous personality and abnormal childish taunting of people’s beliefs and cultures? I believe, since upbringing usually defines a man’s values and moral viewpoint, it won’t turn out well. As of now, Trump is holding off on more sanctions on Russia.

“Russia must decide whether or not it will continue down this dark path,” said Trump in a tweet.

What the president does not understand is that holding off on sanctions makes the U.S. look even worse after out bombing of Syria which has done nothing to slow down the manufacturing of chemical weapons. In turn, this belittles the credibility and the conviction this once proud nation stood upon as a people together. If we say we are going to do it, we are going to do it as simple as that.

“So he’s been a good commander in chief in general, but this is a major step backwards,” said republican Senator Lindsey Graham on the The Hugh Hewitt Radio Show.

Can all of this affect people here on our own soil? The answer is, it already has. Already, President Trump has gone back on his word concerning the time frame of six months for a complete withdrawal from Syria. Military families are already suffering from the long term fear of any deployed loved ones risking their lives every day outside this country. The real question to answer the big question of this article is, what’s next?